Information on submission
ZfE publishes manuscripts written in German or English, covering the entire scope of education science, representing the interdisciplinary character of a comprehensive education science, particularly by the selection of topics focusing on the entire human lifespan. ZfE crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries and publishes contributions from all areas of education science and adjacent areas, e.g. philosophy, history, anthropology, psychology, education sociology and educational economics.
Type and size of contributions
ZfE publishes original manuscripts written in English or German that have successfully undergone a review process. The following are accepted:
- Theoretical, historical and empirical, quantitative and qualitative, pieces of work (no more than 50,000 characters inclusive blank spaces)
- Exceptions concern overviews in terms of summaries of the state of research in a particular area (no more than 65,000 characters including blank spaces)
The limit of characters refers to all parts of an article except for the title and abstract in German and English.
Important instructions for writing articles can be downloaded via the links on the right side (or below in the mobile version).
In order to avoid bias, the ZfE does not publish unsolicited book reviews. It only publishes reviews that have been invited by the editors.
Entry of manuscripts
Theoretical, historical and empirical works can be submitted to ZfE any time. Please adhere to the authors’ guidelines. Entry of manuscripts and the peer review process and decision process in publishing are subject to the editorial manager of the Springer publishing house. Authors can register at and upload their manuscript. Authors are requested to separately upload the following besides the anonymised manuscript: title page, tables if applicable, figures and appendixes.
Conflict of interest
Journals listed by Clarivate in the Web of Science (Social Science Citation Index and Emerging Sources Citation Index) require authors to make the following statement/declaration on the title page of their manuscript, not as a footnote but as paragraph:
- Conflict of Interest
- Funding
The Springer website informs you about necessary statements/declarations.
Declaration of origin, transfer of user rights in the case of acceptance
ZfE only prints original manuscripts. By submitting the manuscript, the author or group of authors declare/s that the manuscript has not been accepted or submitted elsewhere. The author or group of authors moreover state/s that they are the sole copyright holders to the manuscript and no third-party rights are violated. At the same time and in case the manuscript is accepted, both print and online publishing rights are exclusively transferred to Springer via ZfE.
Anonymous review (double blind peer review)
After you have uploaded your manuscript via the Editorial Manage, the version will be handed to at least two reviewers. Thus, the author’s name and affiliation have to be given on a separate title page. Conspicuous self-citations and comments by which the author/s might be identified should be avoided at the point in time for review in order to retain anonymity. ZfE cannot be held responsible for any identification of an author if the rule for anonymisation is violated. Please understand that the review process might take a little longer because the reviewers are not paid for their work, which is voluntary. The Editorial Manager allows you to inspect the status of your manuscript any time, and once the review process is completed and a decision has been reached, you will be sent an e-mail response letter.
As of January 1, 2020, more than 750 German science institutions have signed the agreement between Springer Nature and the DEAL project. Corresponding authors of editorials, original papers and collective reviews liaising with one of the German universities or research institutes are entitled to publish their works in Open Access format in ZfE, and fees are paid by DEAL. Please download the information leaflet here. Authors from Austria and Switzerland can check their funding applicability here:
Christin Güldemund, M.A.
Managing Editor
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (ZfE)
Tel +49 69 24708-163
Fax +49 69 24708-444
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DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
Rostocker Straße 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Springer offers “Author and reviewer tutorials” with different e-learning modules.
- Writing a journal manuscript
- How to submit a journal manuscript
- Writing in English
- How to peer review
- Open access
In addition, Springer Nature offers a service for writing English language manuscripts, for which a fee is charged: Springer Nature Author Service: Springer Nature Author Service.